Free Resources For You
Feeling anxious, fidgety and can’t think clearly?
Release it
When situations become too much it can become impossible to find your centre. In this video explore how you can release that excess adrenalin and come back to a calmer and more rational space for yourself.
Feeling relaxed and ready to get into the day?
Enjoy it
Take the time to enjoy feeling in control with vitality and clear thinking. When your in this space relationships are easy and work feels less effortful. This is the best zone for effective decision making.
Feeling like there is a weight on your shoulders?
Lift it
When you’re in this space, even doing the simplest of tasks feels impossible. You might be in a brain fog and you might find it hard to actually find any energy to do anything. Withdrawing from the world feels the best strategy.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to support the most important person in your life - YOU.
If you’ve had a challenging start to life you may find relationships and the demand for intimacy and trust really challenging and so sometimes our work could involve learning how to have safe and effective boundaries as well as developing communication skills to empower you to get your needs met.
Discover how you can deal with the stresses and anxiety of life
Obtain relief from the worry and upset that you feel in your life
Learn how to flow with your life rather than feel that you’re being controlled by life
Be willing to let go of hurts and upsets that no longer support you
Develop an expansive attitude to life and allow all that you truly want to enter your life
Discover how your physical health is intimately involved with how you’re feeling and thinking
During sessions, I draw on a range of approaches, based on consultation with YOU, as to what feels OK. I also embrace the five key principles of Trauma Informed Care. These are Safety, Trustworthiness, Collaboration, Choice and Empowerment. So in our work together these key principles inform and support all the work we do.
Improve your relationship with others
Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships. Part of working psychotherapeutically is to enable you to have a relationship with someone who feels safe and trustworthy . To be able to talk about and explore all those things with someone who can help you get the outcomes that you want in relationship- to be heard, seen and valued.
Invest in strengthening your resilience
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life. As part of our work together I would like to foster your own self compassion and kindness to all that you’ve experienced in your life. We might even explore how relaxation , mindfulness and meditation can enhance your resilience in life, if that’s something you’re interested in developing.
I wish I had met you years ago.
“My sessions with you were exactly what I needed. I have been to psychiatrists and counsellors all my adult life and always felt there was something wrong with me. I always felt a failure. It was only after seeing you that I came to realise that I'm a pretty nice person and not the failure I thought I was, you made me realise how stressed I have always been, you taught me to laugh...
THANK YOU SHIRLEY... you opened a window I never new was there.”