About Shirley
“Most psychologists treat the mind as disembodied, a phenomenon with little or no connection to the physical body. Conversely physicians treat the body with no regard to the mind or the emotions. But the body and mind are not separate and we cannot treat one without the other. "
Dr Candace Pert
I am a Gold Coast counsellor and somatic psychotherapist (body oriented psychotherapy) and yoga teacher, based at MUDGEERABA on the Gold Coast. I work in a wholistic way with you encompassing all aspects of your health and wellbeing. I'm interested in hearing your story, as well as working together to understand how your body might be hearing and experiencing your story. In working together we will explore both the body and mind aspects of your experience to support you to find a space that not only feels right in your body but also makes good sense to you as well. Working in this embodied wholistic way, life changes arise through a union of body and mind versus merely working on changing your thoughts to get you to a new place.
You might be experiencing anxiety and depression. Not able to sleep at night and lacking energy to be in life. I work predominantly with people who have experienced trauma in their life and are finding it difficult to actually be in the present moment without all the memories and intense feelings of events from the past. Our work together is to learn how to regulate your traumatised nervous system so that it’s easier to safely navigate the natural feelings that arise in day to day life. When we can achieve this then it is so much easier to try and make sense of all that has been happening in your life.
I have a particular interest in how past and/or current trauma impacts your relationship with your body as well as how you navigate the world. If you have PTSD or Complex Trauma, the most important part of recovery is to have and know your body and to be able to regulate the feelings and sensations that arise in day to day life that can be overwhelming. Many traditional ways of approaching trauma have been to invite you to talk extensively about what has happened to you, which can actually just re-traumatise you all over again. It certainly isn’t useful for your nervous system to be put through that. In working together our priority is to support you to find ways to stabilise your mood and to be able to regulate the traumatised nervous system. This is the first and most important aspect of our work before we even begin to try to make sense of your lived experience and some of the subsequent decisions you may have made as a result of past trauma.
I am a Registered Clinical Psychotherapist, Clinical Mental Health Practitioner and Clinical Supervisor with the Psychotherapist and Counsellor Federation of Australia (PACFA). My foundational Yoga Teacher training was with the Life Foundation in Dru Yoga. I am an accredited provider on the Redress Program for Institutional Childhood Abuse and Victims of Crime NSW. In conjunction with my clinical practice I also facilitate workshops for both Clinicians and Survivors of Trauma for the BlueKnot Foundation. I also co-founded Trauma Sensitive Yoga Australia in 2012- an organisation committed to increasing the awareness of how to apply the benefits of yoga as part of a total trauma recovery program. Please check out my workshops page for the latest workshop offerings. I am also a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS4314).
B.Bus(UQ Honours), Master of Commerce (UNSW), ND ( Nature Care College NSW) , Grad Diploma in Counselling (ACAP), Diploma in Contemporary Somatic Psychotherapy(AACSP), Master of Counselling (UNE), Diploma in Dru Yoga (Life Foundation) Certificate in Trauma Sensitive Yoga (JRI - Boston 40hours), Professional Training Course in Buddhism & Psychotherapy ( AABCAP 280 hours)
Workshop Highlights
Wheel of Supervision - Levels I & II - CEP ( 2010/11)
From Trauma to Dharma- A somatic Approach to Working with Trauma - Manuela Mishke -Reed (30 hours 2014)
The Art of Focusing in Supervision - CEP ( 6 hours - 2014)
Recognising & Resolving Traumatic Stress- Bessel van der Kolk (18 hours - 2016)
EFT - Lighthouse Resources ( 6 hours- 2016)
Working Somatically with Trauma - Pat Ogden (6 hours 2016)
Grief & Loss Robert Neimeyer ( 6 hours- 2017)
Somatic Origins of Developmental Trauma - Ruella Frank ( 18hours - 2018)
Compassion Focused Therapy for Psychosis - Eleanor Longden ( 12 hours - 2018)
Working with Suicide & Suicidal Ideation - Antonio Murphy (6 hours - 2018 )
When the Body Says No- Mind/Body Unity and the Stress- Disease Connection - Gabor Mate ( 6 hours - 2018)
Transforming Anxiety & Stress by Integrating the Embodied Brain - Dan Siegal ( 9 hours - 2022)
Australian Childhood Conference- August 2022- Sessions with Ruth Lanius, Dan Siegal, Paul Gilbert, Stephen Porges & Ed Tronick
Shirley Hicks-Wellness is Within
What People Are Saying
“ Shirley has the ability to connect at an appropriate level. Our meetings left me with a renewed sense of understanding of myself and a strengthened trust in my own abilities and resilience. “
“ Our discussions were what I needed them to be and I was able to have someone to talk to on an open, honest and simple level. It was very liberating to be honest in a comfortable environment and each meeting had me changing… questioning some things in my life. I feel empowered now….all from talking. “
“ I first went to see Shirley almost 10 years ago after asking the Universe to PLEASE help me find somebody to help me find my way out. I felt lost, confused, stressed, unhappy, sometimes depressed and I didn't know how to help myself. Shirley gave me a safe place to come and bare my soul and shared her wisdom, compassion, support, boxes of tissues and laughter. She helped me to understand where I was, how I got there and how to "find" my way forward. Since then she has continued to be a healer and guide through so many events along this journey of mine, including the birth of my daughter and then twin boys, the loss of my mother to breast cancer, my Phd, even the loss of my 4-legged best friend. I will always be grateful to the universe for leading me to her door. “
“ I was immediately struck by how well she read me, whereas many ordinary people couldn't understand what I was going through, nor did I know how to express my feelings with genuine sincerity. I believe I said flatly to her "You're good!" More importantly I was struck by her enormous wealth of kindness and the fantastic energy that radiated brightly from her. I can truly say that my life is now on a glorious path to peace and joy, and I have Shirley to thank for . I always will wish her and her practice the very best ....and I would definately recommend anyone to this very caring person. “
“ With Shirley's help, I worked through this and a range of other issues that had been troubling me. I was scared, stressed and often very, very down. The help Shirley gave me was life changing. Every day I use the techniques that she taught me. I have a wonderful, well rounded, rich and loving life, including a loving, wonderful partner, thanks to Shirley and the work I did with her. Shirley is the most effective, compassionate, skilled and well rounded healer that I know. I cannot recommend her highly enough. It can only do good to place yourself in her healing hands. “