Supervision- Online or in person
I provide clinical supervision for counsellors, psychotherapists, mental health nurses and other allied health professionals. I am based on the Gold Coast. I am a Clinical Member and Mental Health Practitioner of PACFA and an Accredited Supervisor with PACFA. I have also completed Level 1 & 2 training in the Wheel of Supervision with CEP. I have been in clinical practise as a counsellor for almost 3 decades with a particular interest in the somatic aspect of working with clients.
The nature of an effective Supervisory relationship is one where you can feel heard, understood, challenged where appropriate but most of all safe to explore what arises for you when working with your clients. An effective Supervisory relationship can also assist you to come to an ethical understanding of how to work with particular ethical dilemmas that may arise when working with clients. Within the Supervisory relationship there are also opportunities for ongoing professional development and opportunities for developing your counselling skills.
Some questions you might choose to reflect on to assist you in clarifying what you need from your Supervisory Relationship ( adapted from Wheel of Supervision- Alison Strasser)
What are the particular difficulties or problems I might be experiencing when working with my clients?
If I could really tell my Supervisor what really concerns me in my practice work what might that be?
What do I actually need from my Supervisory relationship to work more effectively in my practice?
What do I need to share with my Supervisor to be able to work more freely with my clients?
What would I like to celebrate with my Supervisor?
When working with Supervisees I support the following Supervision Guidelines (adapted from Peltier, 2001)
Honouring each Supervisee's uniqueness
Encouraging Supervisees to make choices
Encouraging Supervisees to act
Assisting the Supervisee to anticipate and embrace anxiety
Urging the Supervisee to get involved
Valuing responsibility
Allowing conflict and confrontation
Creating authentic relationships
To appreciate the absurd
Supervisees are encouraged to figure things out in their own way